How to use your music CD recording as a fundraiser
How would you like to have your music professionally recorded, and have it pay for itself? Many have discovered that a quality recording of their music can be a tremendous fundraiser, as well as a powerful outreach and promotional tool.

"For over 50 years I have been involved in recording albums for bands and Church music teams. I have found a wonderful way for bands, churches and independent music teams to pay for and share their recordings. Your high-quality recording of your music can be a great outreach tool and a potent fundraiser" Brian Konzelman
Many individual artists, bands, Music directors, Praise and Worship teams are making new recordings regularly, and using streaming and CDs as a promotional tool and teaching tool to introduce new songs, choruses and music. Your own unique recording helps your organization learn new music, listen at home or in the car, and is a tremendous tool for promoting your music in the community. You could have a number of your own recordings available, featuring the music you perform regularly, and raise funds through the sale of your recordings.
Consider this:
First, consider that a recording of your music already has a potential audience. Many of these fans, family and friends would gladly buy two, three or four of your CDs for outreach and gifts, knowing that their purchase is helping raise funds for your project.....
• Your music group and their families and acquaintances,
• Your church's family and ministries,
• Your supporters, fans, relatives, their schools and businesses
• Those who you would like to reach with your music.

Second, Your recording has potential for expanding your audience ,it can open doors for your music to reach out beyond your local network and impact a much larger audience on a regional or national scale. Other audience members, organizations, churches, groups and individuals would love to have your music made available to them. For example, if you are a church music team, I'm sure you can think of neighbor churches in your denomination that would welcome your music recording. Many of the well known Christian music distributors and record labels started out by making recordings of their praise and worship music, and found that there was a great demand for their recorded music ministry.

A professionally done release-quality recording will save you time as well as money in the long run, and result in a timeless product that will still be sounding great and building momentum for years to come. (For more information on how to get a great recording for the least investment check out our CHOOSING A STUDIO webpage.)
It all starts with a release-quality recording of your music that is suitable for radio airplay, and has the sonic quality comparable to other professionally produced music that you would buy in a record store.
Unfortunately many people have spent enormous amounts of time and money on a "budget" recording that turned out poorly, working with hobby studios or trying to do the recording themselves. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Get professional help and work with a seasoned audio professional.
Here are a couple of examples of how a physical CD based distribution fundraiser works:
If you have a small group or church and sell 500 of your CDs, here is how the numbers would work. Selling 500 CDs at $15 each, your income would be $7500. That is enough to totally cover your initial order of finished CDs (about $1000) and the recording expenses (about $5500). Your CD sales have raised enough to totally pay for your recording project, you have made and marketed your own CD and made a $1000 profit.Then, when you reorder more CDs, your cost per CD is one half of the initial cost, and the net income from each additional CD you sell is pure profit.
If you are part of a larger group or church and sell 1000 of your CDs, here is how the numbers would work. Selling 1000 CDs at $15 each, your income would be $15,000. Subtract the cost of your initial order of 1000 finished CDs (about $1500) and the recording expenses (about $8000) and that leaves you with a $5,500 profit! (How much did you make from your last candy-bar or magazine fundraiser?) And remember, when you reorder more CDs, your cost per item is one half of the initial cost, and the net income from each sale is pure profit.

This can be a great way to expand your fan base, share your music, represent your group or organization, and help support your music financially
Back at the Ranch Recording Studio located near Waco Texas makes it easy for you. We can help every step of the way, from planning, recording, and mastering, to getting your CD's manufactured.
To listen to some examples of our recordings, visit our SOUNDBITES webpage.
To find out more about making your recordings, visit SESSION PLANNING.
For a virtual tour of our recording studio, visit RECORDING STUDIO.
.....To-do List.....
- Share this information with your group, music director and music team.
- Contact Brian Konzelman at Back at the Ranch Studio to discuss your project.
- Decide the number of CDs and level of quality you feel is appropriate for your project and CD production.
- Select and prepare about 45 minutes of music for your CD.
- Schedule and record your music at Back at the Ranch studio.
- Distribute and enjoy the music!
You can then use the profits to support your promotion, band, music ministry, missionaries, or local outreach with your music.

Visit these links to other pages at RanchStudio.com.....
- HomePage
- Recording Studio Virtual Tour
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- Soundbites
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